Port Alberni Yacht Club

Not Offered

Not Offered

Day Trip
Not Offered

Port Alberni, BC
Check-in after 12:00 AM
Check-out before 12:00 AM

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About Port Alberni Yacht Club

Check website for updates www.payc.ca

Moorage is on a first-come, first-served basis.

The clubhouse is in Robbers Pass between Fleming and Tzartus Islands which form part of the Deer Islands in Barclay Sound on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.

It is accessible only by water or by float plane and is on Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) Chart 3671 Both entrances of Robbers Pass have underwater hazards and obstructions Enter with caution and use CHS Chart 3886 which has a detailed cartouche of Robbers Pass. The larger version of the cartouche shows the preferred entrance route.



Port Alberni Yacht ClubPort Alberni Yacht ClubPort Alberni Yacht ClubPort Alberni Yacht ClubPort Alberni Yacht ClubPort Alberni Yacht ClubPort Alberni Yacht Club