Sunrise Shore Marina

Not Offered

Not Offered

Day Trip
Not Offered
369 Brule Shore Rd
Tatamagouche, NS B0K 1V0
Check-in after 01:00 PM
Check-out before 11:00 AM

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1 Review

by HT H. on Mar 02, 2014
This is a very sheltered spot but it has limited services. Gas, washrooms, picnic shelter, rental cabins. Impossible to enter at low tide for boats with deep keels although there is plenty of water inside the marina itself. About 5km to the neatest village (Tatamagouche)with groceries, restaurants etc. Very helpful staff and members of Barrachois Yacht Club.


  • Water Hookup


    • Restrooms
    • Hotel/Lodging



    Sunrise Shore MarinaSunrise Shore MarinaSunrise Shore MarinaSunrise Shore MarinaSunrise Shore MarinaSunrise Shore MarinaSunrise Shore Marina