Not Offered
Not Offered
Day Trip
Not Offered
Hingham, MA 02043
Check-out before 10:00 AM
About Hingham Boating Permits
The Harbor Master assigns mooring spots and issues permits for all boats in Hingham waterways.
--You need a permit to park your boat in any of the marinas, designated mooring areas, and all resident locations. --No permit? That's a $50 daily fine. --Annual permits cost $9 per foot of boat length and World’s end is $650.00/season. --Transient permits are available for shorter stays: $35/boat at Inner Harbor and Langlee Island, and $50/boat at -World's End. --Camping on Langlee Island is free with a reservation made in advance.
Booking Info
New (Annual) Permit Requests: To request a new annual permit, please use the booking form under the "Seasonal/Annual" tab and specify the desired permit type:
Docking Permit: For boats at slips or docks. Please indicate the marina and slip/mooring number:
- Hingham Shipyard Marina
- The Marina at Hingham Harbor
- Bare Cove Marina
Mooring Permit:
- Inner Harbor (available to anyone – max boat length 30ft)
- Outer Harbor (Hingham Yacht Club members only)
- Hewitt's Cove (available to anyone – contracted through Hingham Shipyard Marina)
- Back River (South Shore Yacht Club members only)
- World's End (available to anyone – only accessible by boat)
- Residential (waterfront property owners and beach association members only)
Short Term (Transient Rental) Permit Requests:
To request a short-term permit, please use the booking form under the "Short Term" tab and specify the reservation type in the "special requests" section:
- World's End ($50/day/vessel – 3 vessel max.)
- Inner Harbor ($35/day – 1 vessel max.)
- Langlee Island Mooring ($35/day – 1 vessel max.)
- Langlee Island Camping – North Site (no cost)
- Langlee Island Camping – South Site (no cost)