Crosswater Yacht Club isn't a member of Dockwa's boater & marina network at this time.
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About Crosswater Yacht Club
A Suntex Marina
Booking Info
This site, along with several thousand acres surrounding it, was formerly part of the Stewart Ranch. The land surrounding this property contained fertile river bed soil and was used as farmland up until this portion of the Colorado River was dammed and became better known as Lake Travis. Graveyard Point, about a half mile to the east was naturally used as a cemetery, while the immediate area of this site was used as a ferry landing for frequent crossings of the Colorado River; hence, the name of our marina, Crosswater. marina on lake travis Historically speaking, this land given its location at the river bend has always been an ideal place for boats to land and take shelter. We hope that Crosswater Yacht Club will offer that same confidence, joy, and quality to Lake Travis boaters, while keeping the familial spirit of Lakeway alive and well. There are several marinas on Lake Travis, and we are proud to offer more than most. Crosswater Yacht Club, since its grand opening in May, 2013, has provided such outstanding personal service that it has become the ideal place to boat on Lake Travis.