Snead Island Boat Works

Not Offered

Not Offered

Day Trip
Not Offered
5225 Snead Island Rd
Palmetto, FL 34221
Check-in after 01:00 PM
Check-out before 11:00 AM

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1 Review

by Stephen Y. on Apr 06, 2020
They are not perfect, no one is. They may not be the cheapest boat yard in the area, but they make other boat yards in the area look like amateur hour. I would recommend Snead Island Boat Works to a friend if they were looking for quality work at a fair price, albeit not the cheapest.
Marina Response:
Thank you for the review

About Snead Island Boat Works

Snead Island Boat Works offers a complete line of services for your yacht and rents slips and dry storage space. Services include bottom paint, electrical, mechanical, rigging, plumbing, fiberglass, carpentry and haul-out services.


  • Water Hookup


    • Dry Stack
    • Service & Maintenance
    • Restrooms
    • Security
    • Showers
    • Travel Lift



    Snead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat WorksSnead Island Boat Works