Key Largo Resort

Not Offered

Not Offered

Day Trip
Not Offered
527 Caribbean Drive
Key Largo, FL 33037
Check-in after 01:00 PM
Check-out before 11:00 AM
VHF 16

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1 Review

by Ken A. on Sep 11, 2013
Good place, Across creek from Marina del mar. Little cheeper, Docks in a little better shape, Nice Pool, resonable priced rooms. It's a little further walk to stores. Basically the same as Marina del mar (read my review there) but less of the general public and drunks walking around your boat. It's an ok place and I think They are or were under the same managment.



Key Largo ResortKey Largo ResortKey Largo ResortKey Largo ResortKey Largo ResortKey Largo ResortKey Largo Resort