Lentze Marina, Inc

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Day Trip
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75 First Street
Hazlet, NJ 07734-2946
Check-in after 01:00 PM
Check-out before 11:00 AM
VHF 78

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10 Reviews

by Anonymous on Oct 09, 2020
Best marina around for anything you need Jeff and Patti will bend over backwards to get you back in service and back on the fishing grounds. I highly recommend them for anything you need for your boat

by Anonymous on Feb 11, 2020
The previous post by this person is totally false.Jeff does not yell or scream to the customers. We are here to serve our customers but unfortunately some refuse to pay for repairs in a timely manner. Some wont pay for diagnostic service but expect something for free. Diagnostic fees are NOT added to the final bill but actually deducted in most cases if we do the repairs. Our time spent is not free nor is it free in any other marina to diagnose a problem and suggest the repair.If you think it`s too expensive then have it done elseware but you will find it to be the same amount We do not steal, we do not overcharge, we do not rip you off. The mechanic at Lentze Marina

by Anonymous on Feb 03, 2020
Run!!! The owner is a despicable person. He has no morals. He charges for repairs that were not done. He held me hostage and my boat to the tune of $8000 and told me that he was giving me a break for storage that should have been just $600. Stuff was stolen off of my boat twice and he did nothing. Jeff is extremely argumentative with every boat owner. He is nice in the off season and a disgusting, argumentative person in season and when you need his help. He is as dishonest as they come. No one in the marina had anything good to say about him. He actually yells at you if it suits him and he even tries to threaten you with bodily harm. Ask around at other marinas and they will tell you equal horror stories about Lentze Marina.

by Anonymous on Aug 06, 2017
Great Marina, great location in the Raritan bay, storm protected by a flood gate. The marina is run by husband and wife that has been in the business for many years and they cater to there customers and the community. They have a ship store that carries your most common needs and if they don't have it they can most likely get it for you for the best price. Place is kept clean, bathrooms and showers. They also do mechanical work on site. Would recommend this Marina to all.

by Anthony G. on Oct 13, 2015
I've been with Lentze Marina since 2008. No Problems, Owners are nice people running a mom and pop shop. The channel has been dredged. And I've always been able to navigate it with the help of a little friend called a "TIDE CHART" and depth sounder. I've also been able to avoid opening and closings of the flood gate by looking at the tide chart. I've never in 7 years had my intake clogged with sand. And I use my 23 ft Boat at least 2-3 times a week. All it takes is seamanship which all boaters should have. I think they do a nice job and I'll be with them till I can't Boat anymore. Hopefully another 50 yrs. Ha! Call them (732) 787-2139 tell them TonyG recommended them.

by Joel B. on Sep 07, 2015
Stay far away from this marina. I docked my boat here. The mechanics are not certified, changed often and terrible. The owners will not allow anyone else to work on your boats but they will send your boat to outside mechanics and charge you the bill plus a tack on for themselves. The channel is dangerously low all the time because the flood gate pushes sand into the channel when it closes several times a month. Be prepared to have your engine water intake clogged with sand several times a year which costs at least $500 a shot and may destroy your engine. Dredging only helps for a short period and the sand returns due to flood gates. Owners will not tell you this fact. Do yourself a favor and dock anywhere but this place. The owners remind me of the inn-keepers in Les Miserables. Other area marina's are much better and don't fall for the "we have a flood gate so your boat is safe" line. The flood gate is more of a hassle and you can get stuck outside the gate for hours at a time getting eaten alive by bugs. In any major storm you can always pull your boat out anyway. You've been warned. In 2014 no one could use their boats because of the low channel. The area joke is a canoe would ground in this channel. STAY AWAY!

by Mark B. on May 23, 2013
I've never had any problems and the owners seem like decent people. Between them and the floodgate I know my boat is very well protected. Unfortunately many other marina's in the area didn't fare as well during Sandy. Anyway I think they do a nice job there and I've been at much, much worse marinas.

by Ken Z. on May 21, 2013
I've never had a problem and in fact I tip my hat off to them. They've always treated me first class. Last year I had a personal family crisis and they really took great care of my boat during Hurricane Sandy. I didn't even leave them my keys! I'm Still not sure how they got it out and kept it safe but they did. Anyway, I think they do a great job and I highly recommend them. They're in a great location too (3 miles to great fishing) and very close to the hook. If anyone's looking for a Marina in the Keansburg, NJ area, call them (732-787-2139) and ask for Patty. Tell her Ken B. referred you. I've had my boat at sub-par marinas before, trust me they are not one of them. They do an excellent job there.

by Alan V. on Jan 26, 2012
I agree with the other post, STAY AWAY!! This was a horribly run marina and the owners care nothing about the boat owners, only getting their cash. The channel and the marina are not dredged so at low tide it is a challenge to get out without running aground for even low draft runabouts. During Hurricane Irene they kicked me out of the marina because they didn't have time to unstep my mast and haul me out. Two days before the storm hit, they kicked me out!!! When I asked what I could do their response was, "Not my problem". There are many good marinas in the area so that you don't have to settle for this place. Keep on looking.

by Don M. on Apr 06, 2010
STAY AWAY! Last season they did not attempt to launch my boat until the 4th of July weekend. The mechanics are incompetent; none of the motor work they performed solved any of my problems. It took them the entire winter to mount a new canvas top, after splicing the antenna cables none of the electronics operated. When confronted, the owners said I was lying and that the units never worked! I spent 20 bucks and spliced them myself curing the problem. No outside vendors or mechanics will come on the property because of the owners. STAY AWAY!

About Lentze Marina, Inc

MARINA DESCRIPTION: Full Service Marina, Minutes From Central Raritan Bay & NJ’s Best Sport Fishing Waters, MerCruiser & OMC Dealerships, Only Factory Trained Certified Technicians, Berths, Floating Docks: 115 (22-43’ft), Dry Rack Service: 170 (18-26’ft), Winter Storage: 150 (18-43’ft), Travelift & Forklift Services, Showers & Restrooms, Pumpout Service, Bait & Tackle, Ships Store & Marine Parts Dept., Plus a 700pg/20,000 Item Marine Parts & Accessories Catalog with Overnight Service, Over-Road Transportation, Restaurants Local & Deliveries Available. We are Professionals in the Marine Industry and Celebrating 35yrs of Serving the Boating Public.

DESCRIPTION & LOCATION ON RARITAN BAY: Central Raritan Bay, On NJ North Coast Almost Directly Across From New York’s “Great Kills Harbor” Staten Island, Near The “Keansburg Fishing Pier”, Located on the Chart is a Great Fishing Hole Just NE of the Pier, Marina Access is SW of Pier Through the “Point Comfort Channel” This is a 1500’ft Day Marked Channel (7’MLW), Area Fisherman and Mariners are Advised to Take Notice To Stay a Minimum of ½nm Offshore When Outside The Channel, Where Average Area Depth is 11’ftMLW as Shown on Chart, All Season Fishing Includes; Flounder, Stripers, Blues, Fluke, Weakfish, Porgies, Sea bass & Blackfish.

DIRECTIONS, By Land: From North - G.S.Pkwy South Ext# 114 make Left at Top of Ramp to Red Hill Rd. - At 2nd Light, Road Curves to the Left, Continue Through Onto Van Schoick Rd. (Street Name Changes To; South Laurel then Laurel Ave.) - Follow Through 9 Traffic Lights over Hwy #35 Then #36 (Land mark at Hwy# 36; Sunoco Station on Right) (Across Hwy# 36; All Side Streets are Numbered) - Starting at Twelfth Street, Follow Down to First Street - Make Left Onto First Street, approx. 300yds On Right Side - 75 First Street – Hazlet Twp., West Keansburg

DIRECTIONS, By Land: From South - G.S.Pkwy North Ext# 114 make Right at Top of Ramp to Red Hill Rd. - At 1st Light, Road Curves to the Left, Continue Through Onto Van Schoick Rd. (Street Name Changes To; South Laurel then Laurel Ave.) - Follow Through 9 Traffic Lights over Hwy #35 Then #36 (Land mark at Hwy# 36; Sunoco Station on Right) - Across Hwy# 36; All Side Streets are Numbered (Starting at Twelfth Street, Follow Down to First Street) - Make Left Onto First Street, approx. 300yds On Right Side - 75 First Street – Hazlet Twp., West Keansburg

DIRECTIONS, By Water: From Sandy Hook Point - Approximately 270° Magnetic, 6nm To “Keansburg Pier” - 300yds So. West of the Tip of the Pier is the “Point Comfort Channel” (1500’ft Day Marked Channel, 7’ftMLW on NOAA Chart) - Approximately 191° Magnetic Through Channel - Inlet is Protected by a Hurricane Flood Control Gate (Use “Inland Rules of Navigation“ Around Obstructions to Visibility) - Through Gate Steer to Starboard to Thornes Creek (Land Mark; Keep Marshland Peninsula on Portside) - Approximately 200yds, Steer to Port Into Marina’s Main a Aisle way - Follow Down to Floating Finger Piers at Bulkhead for Transients - Marina Office is at 75 First Street by Marina’s Vehicle Entrance


  • Water Hookup


    • Bait & Tackle
    • Dry Stack
    • Floating Docks
    • Ice
    • Laundry
    • Service & Maintenance
    • Restrooms
    • Ship Store
    • Showers
    • Travel Lift
    • Groceries
    • Medical Facilities w/in 5 Miles
    • Land Storage



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