Turtle Grass Marina

Not Offered

Not Offered

Day Trip
Not Offered
Calabash Bight
Jose Santos Guardiola, Islas De la Bahias 31678319
Check-in after 01:00 PM
Check-out before 11:00 AM
VHF 68

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About Turtle Grass Marina

Turtle Grass Marina is a new-ish facility, located in the heart of Calabash Bight on the South East end of Roatan Island. A secluded spot with 15 slips for all vessels to 50 '. Depth at the dock is 8' and we also have power and water. Rain water, well water and Reverse Osmosis water (10 cents/Gallon) available.

Come and spend some time with us.. a day, week, seasonal or permanent. With flight from the US landing on the the island daily, you could leave Miami at 10 am, be on your boat and sailing some of the most beautiful cruising grounds in the Western Caribbean by 3 the same afternoon. We also approve of live aboard owners.

The property has about 1/2 mile of walking trails, gorgeous views and a nice breeze to help keep you cool, most of the time. This means sailing in the channel is amazing. Deep blue experience with trades blowing 12 - 15 knots most of the time. This is a boaters paradise, sail or power.

Calabash Bight is also the safest hurricane hole there is on Roatan. Roatan is not immune to Hurricanes. The north basin of Calabash bight is where all the large boats on the island make their way to, when there is impending danger of one approaching. You can be assured of your vessels' safety while staying over with us for a season or two. The mountains surrounding the bight ensures a safe and well protected harbour. The attention of Dock Hands looking after the rest.

Facilities: Pizza Restaurant (other dishes as well) Chilled Beverages Slips for vessels to 60'. Stern Tie and side tie.
Power Water - Rainwater, Well water AND Reverse Osmosis water available. Bath house, Toilet/Shower WiFi Pick up and Drop Off Laundry service Provisioning by dingy or marina shuttle inside the reef. Many attractions accessible via dingy/Marina Shuttle SCUBA Arrangement possible. Dealer for Lee Sails Shipwright on Site Mechanical and non structural in water repairs Insurance and market value surveys.

Call VHF Channel 68 or phone +504 3167 8319 to get hold of John or Lucy at the Marina. They will be happy to assist you in anything you may need here.


  • Water Hookup


    • Captains Lounge
    • Dog Park
    • Wireless Internet
    • Launch Service
    • Restrooms
    • Security
    • Showers
    • Groceries
    • Medical Facilities w/in 5 Miles
    • Restaurant



    Turtle Grass MarinaTurtle Grass MarinaTurtle Grass MarinaTurtle Grass MarinaTurtle Grass MarinaTurtle Grass MarinaTurtle Grass MarinaTurtle Grass MarinaTurtle Grass MarinaTurtle Grass MarinaTurtle Grass MarinaTurtle Grass MarinaTurtle Grass Marina